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Friday, August 13, 2010

Silkie Guinea Pig

Harga : RM***
Status : Masih Ada

The Silkie is an attractive long-haired Guinea pig. It is popular as a pet, and even more popular on the show table. Silkies have lovely locks unlike any other guinea pig.Their hair is very soft and shiny. Show Silkies are a sight to behold. It's hard to resist petting a Silkie! This breed is rather high-maintenance, so it is probably not the best choice for a young child. Even adults who keep Silkies as pets will often trim their hair to keep from having to groom constantly. With their good looks and sparkling guinea pig personalities, they make a fine choice for a dedicated owner

American Guinea Pig

Harga : RM***
Status : Masih Ada

The Guinea pigs we have as pets today are descendents of the Tschudi Guinea Pig from South America. Guinea pigs make great pets and they very rarely bite. They are inexpensive and have lovable personalities. Guinea Pigs can live 8 to 10 years and are easy to house and feed. They also tend to be hardy little animals and don't contract diseases very easily.

These are relatively small animals, though through selective breeding a variety of different strains of have been developed. Guinea pigs come in sizes ranging from pets as small as a rat up to pets as big as a small dog. They also come in a variety of colors and hair styles.

Coronet Guinea Pig

Harga : RM***
Status : Masih Ada

The Coronet Guinea Pig is one of the long-haired guinea pig breeds. It is similar to the Silkie Guinea Pig, but the Coronet has with a coronet or "rosette" in the middle of the head. Coronets are playful, curious and affectionate. They crave attention, and between their funny antics and unusual look, they attract it naturally. The Coronet Guinea Pig requires more grooming than short-haired breeds. If keeping it as a pet, you might wish to keep its hair trimmed shorter than you would for show purposes. Regular brushing is the key to keeping the coat looking great, and if you don't have time for that, this may not be the breed for you.

Skinny Guinea Pig

Harga : RM***
Status : Masih Ada

The Skinny Pig is a very unusual, yet an increasingly popular breed of Guinea Pig.There are actually two types of Hairless Guinea Pig, this one and another called the Baldwin Guinea Pig. These nearly hairless critters have a funny way of winning the hearts of nearly all they come into contact with. Curious and mischievous as any other breed of Guinea pig, but some owners and breeders claim that they are more outgoing. They are quite playful, and they love attention. Skinny Pigs do not require the brushing that other Guinea pigs need, but they do have certain special needs.They are more susceptible to injury than breeds with hair covering their bodies, and they are more sensitive to sunlight and temperature. They need a responsible owner to keep them happy and healthy.

Peruvian Guinea Pig

Harga : RM***
Status : Masih Ada

It has long, flowing hair that makes it a favorite of show judges. Its tresses require extra care, but theirbeauty is beyond compare.Curious, fun-loving and alert. The biggest concern when keeping them as pets is the extensive grooming required. Those who do not plan to show them often remedy this by keeping their hair trimmed to a length that won't tangle or get dirty so easily.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ayam Serama (Jantan)

Harga : RM ***
Status : Masih Ada

Ayam serama (jantan) ini menarik, bukan sahaja jinak, malah  ayam serama juga pandai beraksi atau bergaya, jalannya mendada dan ada di antaranya pandai menari sehingga menjadi daya tarikan ramai.

Ayam Serama (Betina)

Harga : RM ***
Status : Masih Ada

Ayam Serama (betina) ini cukup sihat dan boleh membiak dengan baiknya. Untuk menggalakkan ia bertelur, ayam ini cuma diberi makan dedak. Ayam serama ini juga cukup jinak dan manja.

Ayam Selasih Putih

Harga : RM ***
Status : Masih Ada

Ayam selasih ini mempunyai kulit, kaki, daging dan paruh yang berwaarna hitam merah. Hanya bulu sahaja berwarna puith. Daging ayam ini boleh dimasak dengan pelbagai cara dan rasanya cukup enak.

Angsa Putih

Harga : RM***
Status : Masih Ada

Angsa putih, sejenis unggas yang dianggap cantik, warnanya yang putih bersih tampak lebih menawan. Seekor angsa berusia tujuh atau lapan bulan sudah boleh bertelur menghasilkan antara 20 hingga 30 biji. Harga angsa mahal kerana ia berguna untuk memelihara kawasan, rumah, ternakan atau kebun. Angsa akan membuat bising apabila ada orang tidak dikenali. Selain itu, kos memelihara angsa banyak tertumpu kepada penyediaan makanannya. Sumber makanan tambahan daripada bahan buangan seperti lebihan makanan dan tanaman seperti daun pisang boleh boleh membantu menjimatkan kos. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Oriental Roller

Harga : RM***
Status : Masih Ada

The most important hallmark of the Oriental Roller is its flying style. They show a variety of different figures in the air, which are single sommersaults, double sommersaults, rolling (a number of uncountable sommersaults), rotation with open wings, nose dives, sudden change of direction during flight and very rarely axial turns. Some breeds fly up to 1000 m high, others stay in the air for several hours.

Cumulet Pigeon

Harga : RM ***
Status :  Masih ada

Burung ini merupakan jenis tumbler dari Perancis yang mampu terbang tinggi dan juga merupakan salah satu nenek moyang dari jenis Racing Homer. Burung ini berbadan sedang tetapi serasi, dengan dada bidang, sayapanya panjang dan kukuh, kaki agak pendek. Umumnya warna bulu putih, dan ada yang memiliki bintik-bintik merah di kepala atau leher.

Lahore Pigeon

Harga : RM ***
Status : Masih Ada

Burung Lahore ini berasal dari Pakistan dan sekitarnya dikenali dengan nama Shiraz (kota tempat burung berasal). Leher, perut, dada dan ekor berwarna putih. Kepala, pinggang dan sayap boleh berwarna lain. Kakinya boleh berbulu semua tetapi ada yang tidak berbulu.